Wednesday, October 3, 2007


1. In France mother nation was called Marianne.
2. Her characteristics were withdrawn from liberty and republic---- the red cap, the tricolour and the cockade.
3. Statues were erected at the public places to remind the people of the national symbol of unity.
4. Her images were marked on the coins and stamps also.


1.Germania was the name given to mother nation of Germany.
She wears a crown of oak leaves as it personifies heroism.
Meanings of the symbols


1. Broken chains being freed
2. Breast plate with eagle strength
3. Crown of the oak leaves heroism
4. Sword readiness to fight 5.Olive branches and the Sword willingness to make peace
6 .Black red and gold tricolor German flag of liberals
7. Rays of rising Sun beginning of a new era.


During the last quarter of the19th century national groups became intolerant of each other and ever ready to go to war, because of their imperialist intentions.( Imperialism is when a powerful country forcibly occupy a weaker country to prove its strength )

1.Balkan area comprising of modern day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia—Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro, whose inhabitants were Slavs
2 A large part of Balkans were under the control of Muslims Ottoman Empire.
3. Ottoman empire tried to tighten its hold on this part of Europe by introducing reforms and modernization.
4. Balkan countries decided to win back their independence by awakening the national feelings
5. Balkan area became the area of conflict.
6. Balkan countries were jealous of each other and had interest in overruling the other country.
7. Whereas imperialists powers had shown their interest in occupying them as their colonies..
8. This led to a series of wars and finally First World war.


1. Nationalism along with imperialism led Europe to disaster in 1914.
2. Many countries in 19th Century began to oppose imperial domination.
3. Anti imperialist movements were all nationalists.
4. They were inspired by the sense of collective national unity.
5. All the nations of the world developed the sense of nationalism
6. This concept of nation states had been accepted as natural and universal.


Q1. Name any four countries where independent nation states did not exit during the mid 19th century in Europe.
Q2.Describe the three main demands of the liberal middle class men and women in Europe in mid 19th century.
Q3. Briefly describe in tree points the incident of 18th May 1848 in the German region in which the middle class professionals, political associations were fighting for an all German national assembly.
Q4. What did women do to fight for their rights in Germany?
Q5. Explain the impact of liberal movement on the monarch.
Q6. Describe in 8 points the process by which Germany was unified.
Q7. Explain briefly the impact of unification of Germany.
Q8. Describe in 8 points the process of unification of Italy.
Q9. Describe in three points the political conditions of Italy in the mid 19th century.
Q10. Name the 4 ethnic groups who inhabited the British Isles’
Q11. Briefly describe any four conditions prevailing in Ireland.
Q12. Explain the term Allegory.
Q13. How did artists personify the nation?
Q14. Mention two of the specific objects or symbols which represented Liberty Justice and the republic.
Q15.Who was Marianne?
Q16. Describe the allegory of German nation.
Q17. Explain the four changes which came in the nationalism towards the last quarter of the 19th century.
Q18. Name any 8 countries included in the Balkans.
Q19. What made the region of Balkans explosive?
Q20. Explain any three causes of conflict prevailing in the areas of Balkans.
Q21. Why the countries colonized by the European powers did, Began to oppose imperial domination? Explain three reasons.


Outline political map of Europe.
1. for locating and labeling only; page6- Europe after the congress of Vienna1815. (Different states shown in the map of Europe. )
2. For identification only:- ( based on maps given on page 21.)
1. Sardinia
2. Kingdom of the two sicilies
3. Austrian Empire—Austria- hungry, Galicia
4. Ottoman empire
5. Kingdom of papal states Rome

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