Sunday, December 2, 2007




This is a form of hierarchical social division seen everywhere, but is rarely recognized in the study of politics. The gender division tends to be understood as natural and unchangeable.


1. Boys and girls are brought up to believe that the main responsibility of women is housework and bringing up children.
2. This is reflected in the sexual division of labour in most families; women do all work inside the home such as cooking, washing clothes and tailoring etc and men do all the work outside the home.
3. When these jobs are paid for, men are ready to take op these works in hotel industry or as tailors.
The result of this division of labour is that although women constitute half of the humanity, their role in public life especially politics is minimal in most socities
1. earlier only men were allowed to participate in public affairs, vote and contest for public offices.
2. Gradually the gender issue was raised in poltics.
3. Women in different parts of the world organized and agitated for equal rights.
4. There were agitations in different countries for the extension of voting rights for women.
5. These agitations demanded improving the political and legal status of women and improving their educational and career opportunities.
6. More radical women’s movements aimed at equality in personal and family life as well. These movements are called FEMINIST WOMEN .

We now find women working as sciencetists, doctors, engineers, lawyers, managers and college university teachers which were earlier not considered suitable for women


1. Combination of politics and social divisions is very dangerous.
2. If they start competing in terms of some existing social divisions, it can make social divisions into political divisions and lead to conflict, violence or even disintegration of the country.
3. Northern Island has bitter Ethno- political conflict, as its population is divided in Roman Catholics and Protestants.
4. The Catholics were represented by Nationalist party and demanded that Northern Island be unified with the Republic of Ireland.
5. The Protestants were represented by The Unionists, who wanted to remain with U.K.
6. Hundreds of civilians and security forces were killed in the fight between unionists and Nationalists.
7. It was only in 1998 that the UK govt. and the Nationalists reached a peace treaty after which their armed struggle was suspended
8. Yugoslavia’s political competition along religious and ethnic lines led to its disintegration.
9. Social divisions of one kind or the other exist in most of the countries of the world.
10. Social divisions affect voting in most countries as people from one community tend to prefer some party more than others.


Three Factors are crucial in deciding the outcome of politics of social divisions----
1. The outcome depends on how people perceive their identities. If people see their identities in singular terms, it becomes difficult to accommodate .Most people in our country see their identity as Indian as well as belonging to a particular religion or a language.
2. It depends on how political leaders raise the demands of any community. It is easier to accommodate demands that are within the constitutional framework and are not at the cost of another community.
3. It depends on the how the govt. reacts to the demands of different groups. If the govt. try to suppress a demand on the name of national unity, such attempts of forced integration sow the seeds of disintegration.

In a democracy, political expression of social divisions is very normal and can be healthy. But a positive attitude towards diversity and willingness to accommodate do not come about easily. Sometimes social differences can take the form of unacceptable level of social inequalities and injustice. The struggle against such inequalities sometimes takes the path of violence and defiance of state power. However democracy is the best way to fight for accommodating diversity.


1. On what ground can people have differences?
2. Name one social diversity and one social identity among Tommy Smith, John Carlos and Peter Norman.
3. Which social differences are usually based on accident of birth?
4. Name some social groups or identities based on one’s own choice.
5. When does a social difference become a social division?
6. Justify giving an example that social divisions are not always dangerous.
7. “Social divisions of one kind or another exist in most countries “Justify.
8. “Social divisions affects politics” Explain giving two examples.
9. Explain three factors that determine the outcomes of politics of social divisions.
10. “Democracy is the best way to accommodate social diversities” Justify.
